Delay alert! Week 5 wrap up is late by a few days and all I can say is “finally.” Not finally a blog post, but finally life is back to “normal” to the point where I’m running out of time again. Before Covid-19 / Coronavirus hit, life was busy as always. Time was the most […]
Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 4

I still remember the exact moment when I first caught wind that we’d be working from home indefinitely due to Coronavirus. The feeling of shock, uncertainty, and unease began to creep up as I was unsure of what exactly we were facing. Looking back, I was one of the last team members to continue working […]
Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 3

Week 1, 2, and 3 are in the books. Time is flying on by. First week or so, it was all about getting in a groove, 2nd week it was finding my routine, and 3rd week is all about normalcy. Grateful for each day and the memories we’re creating. Binge watching, what a beautiful thing! […]
Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 2

Week 1 down, Week 2 conquered. As Coronavirus / COVID-19 continues to spread, Week 2 forced me to put life into perspective. Not just for selfish reasons, but for all those around me – family, friends, and neighbors. It was the dose of reality that I needed and I hope others felt it too. One […]
Living Through COVID-19 Coronavirus | Week 1

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has and will have a huge mark in world history. Years from now we’ll be studying the events leading up, during, and after. For many, coronavirus hit the world by storm and still continues to pass through country by country. Life as we know it has changed; as for our post-life, who […]
Balancing Health and Fitness with Work and Life Balance – Step 2: Support System

Step 1 to balancing health/fitness with work and life is inspiration, Step 2 is finding the right support system. Support systems come in all shapes and sizes, but as long as you have something or someone to turn to when you’re ready to give up, that’s all you need. In the previous post, I posted […]
Balancing Health and Fitness with Work and Life Balance – Step 1: Inspiration

Balancing health and fitness with work and life is as important as drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. But how many of us actually drink that much water? How many of us keep ourselves in check when we don’t? Same goes for including fitness as an active ingredient to a happy and successful […]
How to Build a Brand Fantasy – Guide for Digital Marketers

We’ve been discussing neuromarketing and the impacts this has on branding, digital marketing, and consumers. To win and stay ahead of competition, balancing the importance of unconscious and conscious marketing is vital – sure, it’s difficult and sometimes abstract, but it’s absolutely needed for a full 360 degree view of who your customer is. Daryl […]
Neuromarketing Creates the Perfect Brand Fantasy

As Marketers, we’re always focused on our brand perception, brand aspiration, brand positioning, and brand image, but is that enough to win? How do you ensure you will have the edge against competition? Well, Neuromarketing brings us closer to the answer: build a brand fantasy. This takes the concept of aspirational to an even higher […]
Movin’ on up in Digital Marketing – March 27, 2017

The Digital Marketing industry is hot! Many professionals on the move, getting promoted, and taking on new responsibilities. This series highlights those individuals for their outstanding leadership. For years, Jeremiah Owyang kept a similar list for Social Business – I’ll keep it going for Digital Marketing. Key roles include (but not limited to): Digital Marketing, […]