I don't know about you, but when I hear someone talk about how much money corporations are making, I tend to think of the agressive, fast talker agency that is trying desparately to get $$ from you. They conceivable make a product/service sound the BEST, when sometimes thats not the case.
Do not get me wrong, all businesses are not like this, but this is where I see it going. BUT, blogs have a chance to put these businesses in check and force them back to their roots–the CUSTOMER!
Blogs are not bringing anything different than what we already know. We started off wanting to please the customer, but we have drifted away from this goal as increasing profits seems to be first priority.
Here's why I think Blogs are a REALITY CHECK for corporations:
- Blogs force companies to focus on their customers
- Customers have POWER! …BUYING POWER that is
- If you focus on the customer, profits will come
- Informal Blogs create "trust"
- Customers want to feel safe with companies
- Establishing trust enhances relationships
- Relationships will bring business
- Blogs force companies to consider them as the "NEW PR"
- the NEW PR = Public Relations
- I do not like to think of blogs as PR, but in a way they are because you are creating a conversation with other people and/or customers
- Blogs help companies communicate with customers at THEIR level
- This is important!
- Communicating with customers at their level creates a strong relationship (personal and business)
- Blogs tell your customers: "I CARE!"
- Show that you care for your customers, not just want their money
- Allowing customers to talk openly about your products/services is KEY…even if you receive negative feedback
A corporation must focus on fulfilling the needs of their customer. This has been a focus for the corporate world since the beginning of time and blogs offer a way to reach your customer!
Want to increase your profits? Well, tisten to your customer! Allow them to communicate with you! Show them you care!
Here's a list of others who are talking about PR and blogging:
- PR stands for Relating to the Public – Jeremiah Owyang
- 7 Tips on Pitching Bloggers – Rohit Bhargava
- Thinking out loud: Is the PR blogosphere fragmenting? – C Basturea
- Are PR companies tempted to make false promises on "new media" communications? – Silicon Valley Watcher
What are YOUR thoughts about PR and blogging?