Perhaps Comcast is getting ready for the new skype video calling or maybe they’re just trying to push the bar that much more, but they’ve showcased their 1GB broadband speed and its going to drastically change the internet.
To demonstrate the rapid fast speeds, CEO of Comcast, Brian Roberts, downloaded 20+ episodes of 30 Rock in 1 minute! That’s almost 20 hours of material in 1 minute! Imagine downloading at these speeds? WOW. Again, these new changes by Comcast keep existing customers happy and offer incentives for potential customers to join Comcast.
Thinking ahead, Comcast is ready for 2020 when consumers will be ready for more in their living room and I’m sure other online streaming companies will be right behind them. Netflix, Hulu and others are already taking market share away from Comcast, but Comcast is not worried. Roberts says “as they increase their broadband speeds, profits actually increase.” This is expected, consumers need to know that companies are looking out for their best interest and evolving to provide us with resources to keep up with technology.
Let’s hope this is a catalyst to enhanced cable viewing and internet experiences around the world. We need internet tools to step away from the competitive platform and instead collaborate. Satellite and Cable providers are no longer competitors, they’re both battling to stay alive against online streaming companies.