Out of curiosity I browsed through the job search in Craigslist and found an interesting post as a marketing intern for a silicon valley company. As I looked further, this intern will have face to face communication with the VP of marketing and assist in a variety of projects. WOW, what an ideal position for a marketing major currently in college.
Now, let's move to the "Nice to have." One of the characteristics is BLOG WRITING! Of course my eyes sparkled as I read this. Lately, I have been reaching out to intern bloggers around the globe, but to see this "skill" embraced by a company makes me excited.
Jeremiah talks a lot about the MySpace generation moving to the workforce and it looks like some companies are already on the hunt!
This is something to keep an eye out for and for all you interns out there…keep up your blog as it may become a big part of the interview process!