GagaVille? Farmville and Lady Gaga’s New Project – Gamification!

The new Farmville spin-off will be online soon and guess which music super star is leading the way?  Lady Gaga…the new project will be called GagaVille.  The project will be launched next week, but already there is so much buzz around this.

GagaVille will feature unicorns, crystals and of course Lady Gaga’s music.  GagaVille users will get exclusive snippets of Lady Gaga’s new album and even free downloads in certain stages of the game.  Is this the new direction of music artists?  Not entirely sure, but this experiment will sure be either a hit or bust.  Some will like this idea and some will hate it, but any press is good press right?  Either way, Gaga’s brand awareness will sky rocket.  Its a sweet setup for her and her team.

This is a clear example of gamification used in the celeb world to create a game out of Lady Gaga’s real life.  This game will bring in real objects (music snippets) and challenge users to achieve certain levels in the game to find out more clues about an upcoming album, tour or collaboration.

Almost 2 years ago, I tweeted to Bad Boy Entertainment telling Diddy to create such a game based around “Last Train to Paris,” but no response.  Maybe it wasn’t the right timing, but what if they would have listened to my innocent tweets?  🙂