“The Library Without Walls”
The internet has brought several innovations that were unheard of 25+ years ago, and they keep coming. From Web 1.0, to Web 2.0, and now to Library 2.0, the internet is vastly changing our everyday lives. With the popularity of Google and other search engines, its no wonder Libraries are beginning to feel a bit wounded. What are libraries good for anyways when you have the powerful Google? Ah ha, perhaps the model that will save Libraries is *drum roll* “Library 2.0.”
Library 2.0 uses the resources of Web 2.0 technology to make information to users available wherever and whenever and for free.
How does this work?
One major component of Library 2.0 is RSS Syndication which enables the user to have the information readily available in real time in any application. Information delivered at the door step of the user.
Here are some important components of Library 2.0:
1. The Library is everywhere
Library 2.0 is available everywhere (anywhere there is internet) and will continue to reach more and more people as RSS becomes mobilized. In many cases this has already happened, many are texting Google to find information sent to their mobile devices. Google is succeeding, it sounds logical for Libraries to follow.
2. The Library has no barriers
Library 2.0 information is available at the point of need and available for re-use. No need to worry about missing books, special equipment to read past-time newspapers…if linked with Google and Amazon, the information is readily available at your convenience. In fact with the help of Google, we can create a world-wide catalogue of info encompassing local, regional, state, national, and world news. How about that?
3. The Library invites participation
Yes, this is one of the main components of Library 2.0 that will drive its success. The ability to create a community of library users. Using the likes of Web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis, and RSS), users can rate resources on a scale from 1 to 10 and submit suggestions.
Key Takeaways:
- Users needs are changing, Libraries need to capitalize and utilize Web 2.0 technology
- Library 2.0 offers information anywhere and everywhere
- Web 2.0 technology allows for an online community of library users enabling reviews, comments, suggestions
- RSS syndication can deliver information from Library 2.0 to any mobile device (info at your fingertips)