Week 1 down, Week 2 conquered. As Coronavirus / COVID-19 continues to spread, Week 2 forced me to put life into perspective. Not just for selfish reasons, but for all those around me – family, friends, and neighbors. It was the dose of reality that I needed and I hope others felt it too.
One word to describe Week 2: transformational.
It was a growth week; 7 days filled of new learnings and a new outlook on life. During week 1, I was busy trying to make my life normal, but I ended the week feeling a lack of accomplishment. Week 2, however, I focused on happiness.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 is more real than ever and with a fully stocked refrigerator, the only piece of my life left to fill was my heart. Reading through so many heartfelt stories of coronavirus / COVID-19, I began to think about what if I’m next? What if in 1 day, 5 days, 7 days from now, I contracted the virus? Have I loved those close to me enough?

As I searched for the right answers, I began to question the essence of what makes Earth beautiful and magical. How could this be? Why is this happening?
In between conference calls and short neighborhood walks, the answer became more clear. I was looking elsewhere for the answers, but not looking within.
Here’s where the transformation began in defining for myself: what are my actual needs?
What does it mean to feel accomplished and happy? If motivation is the fuel to happiness, then happiness is the road to change.
Every day, we’re challenged to think twice about our life. Freedom of speech, the right to make our own choices, the need for human interaction, all are put into perspective. As we social distance, rights and needs become muddled. We’re given new rules, told what we can/cannot do. But, this does not define us, our life, or our own happiness. We define us.
What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.
Abraham Maslow
While looking for self-healing, I stumbled on a dose of reality.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs put a magnifying glass on the motivations to achieve happiness. What part of the human brain drives these needs and how do they piece together.

Not surprisingly, Coronavirus / COVID-19 is forcing everyone in the world, whether we see it or not, to follow Maslow’s journey. From the earliest days of stocking up on food, water, and toilet paper, we clearly gravitated towards the bottom of the needs pyramid. This is not a slight towards mankind, it’s just reality.
Come to think of it, it’s everyone’s first step to self-actualization, or happiness.
To reach a state of happiness, we must first define logic and reason. This is where I am after Week 2.
I’m transforming my own belief of normality. I’m more self-aware of my surroundings, this moment in history, and my footprint on mankind. I’m hyper-focused on becoming the best version of myself.
I am happy.