Delay alert! Week 5 wrap up is late by a few days and all I can say is “finally.” Not finally a blog post, but finally life is back to “normal” to the point where I’m running out of time again. Before Covid-19 / Coronavirus hit, life was busy as always. Time was the most valuable element of life. Yet, as soon as Covid-19 hit, life almost came down to a standstill. Many aspects of our everyday lives were put on pause until we jointly figured out what next.
Here’s the journey so far:
Week 1: We’re all in this together. Changes are coming.
Week 2: Transformational. Personal Growth.
Week 3: Routine-building.
Week 4: We’re in a groove. Exploring.
Week 5: April showers rolling in!
Not much is feeling out of the ordinary at this point, which is a cool feeling. We’ve adapted and created a new ideal lifestyle that makes us happy. We’re no longer having conversations about all of the things we wish we could do, instead, we’re finding new adventures and new ways to fill our time. And by time, it’s become limited again! Days zoom by, weeks are a breeze.
Speaking of trying new things, Blanca cut my hair – this was long overdue. It was her first time cutting hair ever, EVER! To be honest, I was more curious of her artistic ability to shape my hair, not really nervous. Turns out, she’s pretty good! New hairstyle coming.

Let’s talk TV! We’re currently hooked on a Hulu mini-series, “Little Fires Everywhere.” It’s FIRE and so addictive. My mom and sister tune in with us at the same exact time every week (remotely of course). This is a perfect example of adapting and making the best of what we do have. In all reality, this is the first time we’ve actually started a show like this with my sister and mom. Interesting how we’ve become closer.
Season finale on Tuesday. Will there be a 2nd season? Some critics are saying NO. It was meant as a mini-series based off of the book, that’s it. **Edit after watching the last episode: OMG, so many questions, so much happened! What, how, who, where? Amazing show. My fav top 3 show of all time.

The idea of a staycation was always something we idealized and now that we’re in it, I’m enjoying the time. Weeks 1-4 had adjustments, but they’re distant memories at this point. Week 5 is the present and is all we’re focused on at this point. It could be worse, it could be much different, we gotta count our blessings.
Ironically, my top New Year’s resolution was to grow as a person, and that’s exactly what living through Covid-19 / Coronavirus has brought. This may be the first time ever that I’m actually tracking and holding myself accountable to a New Year’s resolution. Interesting how self-reflection can change a mindset.
Hey April Showers, bring in those May Flowers! Let’s continue to brighten up this world.
[I’ve been hooked on Songland and here’s the newest song from OneRepublic (Ryan Tedder is lead singer and one of the producers on Songland) – this was made with Covid-19 / Coronavirus in mind]