Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Glad I Went To College

I was talking to a good friend of mine (actually he called me to see how I was doing), and mentioned that perhaps I should write a Top 5 or Top 10. Well, its a good idea. This post is just a reflection of why I’m glad I went to college…by the way, it still […]

Yahoo! enters into the world of unlimited data storage

Just announced, one of the largest web companies, Yahoo! will offer their users with unlimited data storage starting May 2007. Jeremiah has been talking a bit about the online data storage industry as several companies large and startup have been entering. He argues that companies will pay us to use their storage…SURE, but we get […]

Video isn’t whats most important about YouTube

After reading a very interesting article by Andy Dickinson titled “Tools or Behaviour” he provoked an important point that I think many people miss. He cited Kevin Anderson from the Guardian, who argues that YouTube is not popular because of the video, but there’s something else intriguing about it. Do I agree? This really comes […]

Who can be a Community Evangelist?

I’ve been fortunate enough to have a great mentor, Jeremiah Owyang, who really set a good foundation for me both my career and with community marketing. Although I’ve been out of the Community Marketing circle for a while, it’s still on my mind. Yet, since Community Marketing is such a dynamic place to be in, […]

Starting my FIRST full time job at Hitachi!

Yep, the time is near…I graduated and now I am on the verge of starting my career. These past few weeks I have been jobless and homework-less, but now its time to start REALITY. Graduating from SCU after 3 long years and 1 quarter, I felt relieved, and ready to move on. Yet, now I […]

MySpace adds a friend in Japan…and mebbe Yahoo!

It’s definitely amazing how MySpace is growing not just in the United States, but globally.  What many thought was just a fad, it is here to stay…at least for a while.  Although MySpace is available to anyone around the world, they are now creating special localized versions of the site in other countries including Japan, […]

Good-bye Jeremiah

It looks like the news has broke out in the blogosphere that Jeremiah is moving on to PodTech.  Although we will miss him at Hitachi, I am proud of Jeremiah.  As a corporate web evangelist, he has definitely paved a way for the Community Marketing program at HDS.  Hopefully, things will continue to grow. Jeremiah […]

The 10 Biggest Problems with Wireless and HOW to fix them!

The internet is everywhere…Jeremiah once said that the Web will soon be amorphous and ubiquitous…I think it’s already ubiquitous. Cell phones, mobile PCs, palm pilots, and all sorts of gadgets now have internet access 24/7 and just about anywhere. Unfortunately, many cell phone customers are facing several on-going issues with their services. Perhaps as gadgets […]

What do employees want from their job?

In a recent survey of over 1500 employees, its been found that money is not the primary motivator for employees. Yes, this was surprising to me, but here’s the top five primary motivators…LET ME KNOW IF YOU AGREE! A learning activity and choice of assignment. Employees value learning opportunities in which they can gain skills […]

Entrepreneur’s SURVIVAL KIT

As an upcoming professional almost entering into the workforce, I am becoming more aware of consumer needs.  Therefore, I am seeing a lot of business opportunities for entrepreneurs.  In fact, I may want to start my own business in the near future, but how?  Creating a new business takes a lot of initiative, time, effort, […]