Back in 2008 (9 years ago!), I wrote about the steps for a “Successful Project and Product Launch” and to this day, I still follow them. The 4Ds have stuck with me through thick and thin and are bullet proof. I’ve used this model with different projects – small and large – and have perfected […]
Humanizing Digital Marketing with Neuromarketing

“Consumers are statistics. Customers are people.” – Stanley Marcus, former President of Neiman Marcus More and more as we look into how we market to consumers today and how to become better Digital Marketers, we overlook that we’re all the same. We share the same ancestral path and our brains have all evolved the same […]
The Unconscious Myths Of Digital Marketing

The quest to change Digital Marketing continues with Douglas Van Praet’s “Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (And Inspire) Marketing” and after an interesting, yet controversial, introduction, we’re getting more into the beef of Neuroscience and how unconscious/conscious consumer decisions affect brands, sales, and Digital Marketing. “In each of us there is another whom we don’t […]
The Power of Neuroscience in Digital Marketing

As Digital Marketers, we’re often focused on predictions: What’s are the newest trends for the year? Where’s the market moving? Where should we focus our marketing spend? Maybe we, as Digital Marketers, should be focused on something deeper: Why do we choose one brand over another? How do people make buying decisions? What motivates us […]
Digital Marketing at It’s Best – Top Trends for 2017

With Digital ad spend finally ready to take over TV ad spend this year, the spotlight is on for digital marketers. In today’s digital world, consumers are getting smarter at a faster rate than most corporations. Digital devices, especially mobile, make information available at customer finger tips whenever and wherever they are – digital marketing is more […]
Detour, New Audio Tour App – How Collaborative Economy Can Help
Upwards of 3 million people travel each year with almost a quarter of all travelers relying on social media to help in one form or the other. This number will likely increase as the Collaborative Economy has made traveling easier and more cost-effective. Often, we find ourselves in new cities visiting with the locals, looking […]
Spotify – Your Year In Music
Spotify rolled out their “Your Year In Music” infographics to give you a glimpse into your music lifestyle. Spotify has been in hot water lately but they understand the need “to do a better job of explaining to artists how streaming benefits them.” Warner Music Group CEO Stephen Cooper knows that music steaming is important […]
Throwback Post: How To Become A Successful Intern
June 2005, I stepped into my first corporate job eager to learn, eager to start my career. 9 years later, I look back and I’m still that eager professional but just slightly older. My first year as an intern taught several great lessons–most of which I still remember today. Here’s a tribute to my original […]
Best Companies To Work For – What Do They Offer?
All of the 100 Best Companies to Work For have similar offerings that make them appealing to current and prospective employees. Not everyone can offer the crazy perks of Google and Facebook, but most companies can offer the bare minimum. Employees are looking for a wide-range of company characteristics that will enable future professional growth […]
Apple’s Time Is Now – Do or Die
Who is the leading mobile company for consumers? Is Apple still the biggest force in the industry? Short answer for both questions: not sure. Now, more than ever, it’s unclear who has the competitive advantage between Google and Apple. Apple’s iPhone used to be the “coolest” phone available–it became an accessory that everyone needed to […]