Traveled to Paso Robles Wine Country today in CA and couldn’t help but notice the lack of social media use. Why? Not too sure since most social tools are free and who doesn’t want WOM marketing?
One winery is Justin Winery; see screenshot below of tasting room
They listed the main social media tools on their price lists but when I asked what the twitter URL was no one knew!
How can social tools help these businesses?
1. Wineries rely heavily on word of mouth – if a close friend recommends a winery I’m likely to try it. Geesh isn’t this the definition of what social tools are about…recommending people, places, and things?
2. Keep in touch with prospects and customers – if I didn’t buy wine at a winery what better way to keep me engaged? Don’t spam, but connect with me on social tools. For existing customers, enhance the buying experience. Use my purchases to customize social messages
3. Special discounts by using social tools – who doesn’t like to save money when buying an expensive Pinot noir? I do, so why not provide financial incentives for using foursquare, twitter, and groupon. Easy, easy way to keep customers coming back for more wine consumption.
Social Marketing and Wine mix so well that I can make my own award winning blend! As wine consumption increases, people become more social and ah ha! Social Marketing fumes are ignited and can be used to attract new customers and no cost.
Let’s hope wineries get “smart” and use technology to their advantage!